Some of the basic string methods you must familiar with in your programming languages.
Position, Index, Search
Beginning of character.
String replace without regular expression.
For example :
var fruitString = "Apple, Banana,Orange";
if (fruitString.indexOf("Apple") != -1) {
console.log("Apple is here");
In general, that is ==.
object comparison, In java, use like
Declaration blank or null :
Be careful to declare a string.
In C, string is immutable.
But in the modern languages, java, js, python, go, string can be changed.
Is String empty? How to check if string is empty? Use length, but just need to make sure not null first.
Token Parser
Repetitive pattern match
Parse to array
For example: parse the following string to array:
String to Number
In the web page data submission, those data are just string. Any particular ID need to convert to integer or long.
For example :
Join string
Join string array in a string.
It's considering to be better performance than string appending.
For example :
var fruits = ["Apple", "Banana", "Orange"];
var fruitString = fruits.join(", ");
var fruits = ["Apple", "Banana", "Orange"]; var fruitString = ""; furitString += fruits[0] + ", "; furitString += fruits[1] + ", "; furitString += fruits[2] + ", ";
Remove extra spacing
Remove leading spacing.
Remove trailing spacing".
For example :
var name = " John Doe ";
name = name.trim();
To uppercase, lowercase.
Most use in case insensitive search pattern match and case insensitive search order.
Regular Expression
For pattern match.
String replacement.
For example : remove line break.
Look around extension (lookahead, lookbehind)
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