
In this section, all the methodologies are just for best practice. That's for most easy to read and maintain.

Straight forward logic

  • Take care the true condition first

      if (flag) {
      } else {


      if (!flag) {
      } else {

    Also, remember to have curly brace, don't omit them even only line of statement.

  • Use straight forward logic

      if x is not None:


      if not x is None:

    All the code fragments are logic correctly, but please approach best practice.

  • Ternary operator

    Use it when it's short and simple; otherwise, use if else.

      var a = flag ? b : "";

Multiple condition

  • Multiple or/not

    • For easy to read, bread down multiple lines

        if (
            myObjects.length > 0 &&
            flag == true
        ) {
    • Unless, they are very short

        if (a > 0 && b > 0) {
  • Multiple functions

      if (
          isNew(myObjects) &&
      ) {

    In the example, if isNew() is false, then containsNumber() won't be executed.

    You don't do the following code; unless isNumber is going to use again.

      var isNewObjs = isNew(myObjects);
      var isNumber = containsNumber(myObjects);
      if (isNewObjs && isNumber) {

Last updated

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